The decision to enroll your child in a preschool can be a major life event. For a parent that will be enrolling their first child into preschool, there are several strategies that should be used to help ensure that the correct school is chosen and that the child's experience with starting school will be an enjoyable experience.
Utilize Any Tours Or Observation Opportunities
It can be difficult to evaluate the quality of a preschool without taking the time to tour the facility and the grounds. When you tour a preschool, you will be able to evaluate the condition of the grounds and the building. If these tours are granted during times when class is in session, you will also be able to get a good feel for the student to teacher ratio along with the types of interactions that can be expected. Considering the invaluable information that these tours and observations can provide parents of prospective students, it can be well worth the time to go on one of these tours.
Take Steps To Minimize Any Anxiety Your Child May Experience
The experience of starting preschool will likely be one of the first times when your child will spend a significant amount of time away from you. This can lead to anxiety that may be difficult for your child to control. Being proactive in helping your child prepare for this adjustment can be essential for reducing these issues. For example, you will find that there may be local events that can help your child prepare for this change. One excellent option for this may be to have your child attend local story time at the public library or any art and craft events. These events will allow them to acclimate to being around many other people with you having either a very limited presence.
Determine Whether Or Not You Require A Preschool With Late Afternoon Care Options
At the end of the day, many preschools have very strict rules governing the parents picking up their children. If parents are routinely late for this task, the preschool may remove the child from the program as this can lead to serious scheduling problems for a preschool that is not equipped to handle this situation. If your job has you regularly running somewhat late, you may want to choose a preschool that also offers afternoon care. These programs can be excellent for parents that may be unable to pick up their child at the designated time that the preschool day ends.
Contact a school, like Country Day School, for more information.